(Must be a VAWP member to attend) Members: REGISTER HERE
VAWP Annual Meeting to be held on:
Tuesday, November 8th, 2011 at 
Stowe Mountain Lodge in Stowe, VT.
This event is only open to Vermont Association of Wedding Professionals members.
The Vermont Association of Wedding Professionals (VAWP) prides itself as being a grassroots, member driven organization. The Annual Meeting is the members’ opportunity to hear from the Board about the status of the organization’s finances and marketing initiatives as well as their chance to weigh in on where they want the organization to move forward over the next year. Don’t miss your chance to participate in your organization.
VAWP recently launched a new website with more member options than ever. Come to theannual meeting and learn how to utilize the great new tools within this site to maximize your membership and drive traffic back to your own site. We
will also be discussing what the membership wants VAWP to focus on in the coming year and where discretionary funds should be allocated. Don’t miss out on the discussion!
The Schedule:
11:00 am: Optional Tour of Stowe Mountain Lodge
Get a back-stage pass to this beautiful property. This is a great opportunity for VAWP members to see this wedding venue while at the same time getting a chance to meet Stowe Mountain Lodge’s wedding staff and explaining what you can offer their brides!
12:00 noon 12:15 Registration
12:15- 1:00 pm: General Session
Treasurer’s Report
Member Report
Board of Directors Report
1:00- 2:15 pm: Lunch and networking
2:15-3:15pm: Discussion of new VAWP website
Get a walk-thru of the new VAWP website and see how easy it is to post content here and link back to your own sites. Bring your questions, suggestions, comments, issues with you and we’ll work together on enhancing this new tool available to all members.
3:15-4:00pm: Focus Groups on 2011-2012 Member Year
Work together with other members to devise a marketing and member plan for the coming year
4:00- 5:00 pm: Group report out and wrap-up
5:00 on: Gather at the onsite HourGlass Bar & Grille for networking